Monday, February 18, 2008


Here is a a lil creativity an ingenuity at work.... which has a story behind it! if u likey mr. skull keep reading!
I've been wanting a new shower curtain an i have not been able to find one to my liking. Which my liking tends to be a lil weird and freakish newho! So the lightbulb was lite an I decided i was goin to make one to my own standards!!
So I started my sketches an came up with an idea to use spray paint an fabrics to create a funky curtain. If I had better access to the equipment for screenprinting i would have done this pattern an design thru some mesh!! It would have been just as yummy!

I'm so happy with the outcome!! I'm definetly not a interior designer but i think this works within the space. Also as an added bonus, the stencils that were used as the postives made some kickass wall art to support the theme in the room!!
Woo Hoo!!

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